Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique - QHHT Level 3
QHHT, or Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, is a hypnosis technique developed by renowned hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon. It is unique in the sense that it doesn't focus on programming the conscious mind, but accesses the Subconsious, or Higher Self/Soul, and asks for its cooperation in order to heal specific aspects in a person's life. The resulting healing and wisdom that is received, is truly remarkable and often changes a life profoundly as one becomes more aligned with their Divine purpose. Jeroen trained with Dolores herself in 2006 and has since regressed hundreds of people. He is a level 3 practitioner.
What are the possible results of doing a QHHT session?
- reconnect with your creative flow
- receive answers for questions about your life's path, health issues, psychological issues, relationships,
addiction, spiritual issues, work, etc.
- release stuck emotions, karma and self-judgments
- process and overcome trauma
- relief from physical complaints
- find peace from stress, burn out, addiction, depression and anxiety
- transform old limiting beliefs into a more loving attitude towards life, allowing for a greater sense of
freedom and increased self-acceptance
What does a QHHT session look like?
When you make the appointment for the session you are asked to make a list of questions that you want answers to. These questions can range from the mundane to Life's big questions. Frequently asked questions are:
What is my life's purpose; am I on the right path?
Why do I have this health/relationship/financial/family issue?
During a QHHT session you will be laying on a comfortable massage table fully clothed while Jeroen is sitting on a chair nearby. He will guide you to a state of consciousness where you will have access to the information that is most appropriate for you to receive. This can be a past lifetime, the past of this current lifetime, or lives spent in non-human bodies, on different planets or dimensions. After this exploration your Higher Self is brought forward and it will answer questions and often profoundly heal an issue. This session will be recorded so you can take the recording home and listen to it.
QHHT session $721
Group Past Life Regressions
We use Dolores Cannon's method to do a group past life exploration session. It is a way to explore other parts of one's consciousness and to get to know oneself a bit better, from a possibly unusual perspective. The benefit of exploring past lives is having the experience that what we know as death is merely a transition into other new adventures. The session takes about 45 minutes and is guided by the experienced therapist (Jeroen). After the session there is the opportunity to write down what was experienced and to share ones experience with the group. If you are curious on what you have been up to in other lifetimes, what is part of what makes you, you, to experience yourself as a continuous being, moving from one life to another, and to find out if you have had lives with loved ones currently in your life, than this group regression is for you.
QHHT sessions take place at the Source Energy Therapy Healing studio in North Hollywood, Los Angeles. Please click here for a map and directions.
Outcalls are possible, in which case a travel charge will be added to the cost of the session.
Past Life Explorers
(323) 439 - 3494
Read the true story of Cathy's exploration of a past life that she shared with her son Christian, as Christina Gehrig, and her son: baseball legend Lou Gehrig. I had front row seating during the unfolding of this story as it was during a few QHHT sessions with me that Cathy found out she had experienced this lifetime as Lou Gehrig's mom.
"The Boy Who Knew Too Much"
by Cathy Byrd.
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